What is mathematics?
There is a question that is always asked, and repeated by many, at all times and places, which is: What is mathematics? As well as other questions, such as: What is its benefit? And how was it generated?… And other questions that are constantly being asked in this context. However, at the forefront of those questions, the most important and vital, remains the question “What is mathematics?”, which we rarely find anyone to talk about or answer in university lectures concerned with teaching mathematics, or even in school curricula in mathematics courses; Because most mathematicians admit that answering such questions is not easy for beginners, and this becomes easier with the progress of study in mathematics, although these questions are legitimate, and there is an urgent need to answer them; Any individual knows what mathematics is and its usefulness, the more knowledge he has of it. The area of discussion about it is directly proportional to the size of this outcome, and therefore it is not surprising if we do not encounter in the various media an interview with a mathematician or a specialist in it. This is why mathematicians joke that a man in the street can remember many names of artists, political leaders, and perhaps astrologers, designers Fashion, but can he remember three names of 20th-century athletes, despite their many? Or can he associate great mathematicians, such as Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), Georg Friedrich Riemann (1826-1866), and Kurt Godel (1906-1978) with one of the mathematical concepts with which they have enriched human civilization ? This fact has led to mathematics living in great isolation from ordinary people; Because there is a large knowledge gap that is increasing with time between what mathematicians do and the rest of the world, although there is a great misunderstanding among a large number of people of what mathematics is, especially its modern solution. Most of them still believe, to this day, that it involves a set of procedures and algorithms in order to do some computation.