صدر عن المركز العربي للأبحاث ودراسة السياسات كتاب محمود باكير الرياضيات “حرفة عقلية”: طريقة جديدة في الإدراك العقلي، وراجعه علميًا موفق دعبول. يقع الكتاب في 368 صفحة، ويشتمل على قائمة ببليوغرافية وفهرس عام.
الكاتب: admin admin
“Mathematics” .. How did it turn into a “mental craft”?
What is mathematics? There is a question that is always asked, and repeated by many, at all times and places, which is: What is mathematics? As well as other questions, such as: What is its benefit? And how was it generated?… And other questions that are constantly being asked in this context. However, at the […]